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Hot, sweaty and just fine in perimenopause and menopause
Why do we experience hot flashes and night sweats during perimenopause and menopause?
What does our body want us to know?

The fine line between menopause awareness and menopause freak-out
Is World Menopause Day creating more menopause awareness, or more opportunities to freak out?

Join me in LONDON on 3 November for a talk and workshop!
"Brilliant!" "Fascinating!" "A must for every woman!" "I feel better already!" This is what women have said after hearing my talk...

She thought I was mad. But then her menopause symptoms disappeared!
When I share my work, women respond in different ways. Read how one woman thought I was mad ... until her menopause symptoms disappeared!

Menopause, Medicine, Media and Myth
When menopause hits the news headlines, myths get thrown around. What hides behind the popular menopause myths? What do women need to know?

Menopause is not a disease!
When Robert A Wilson, MD, a Brooklyn-based OB-GYN, argued that estrogen therapy allowed menopausal women to remain feminine forever, he...

To take HRT, or not to take HRT, that is NOT the question!
What is the one question we should ask when it comes to perimenopause and menopause symptoms?

FORGOTTEN. Brain fog, perimenopause and menopause.
In an alternative universe, at the first signs of midlife change, you’d be taken aside by a community elder and offered space. Space to...

Modern Medicine, Midlife Women and 18 Years of Research
Last month, The Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) published the findings of an 18-year clinical trial, which...

3 Reasons Why Women Are Suffering in Their 40s and 3 Things We Can Do About It
Reason 1: Women enter their 40s clueless about THE CHANGE. Perimenopause – the period of change that normally starts in our 40s and can...

Perimenopause: What if your body acts out of love?
Always on the lookout for perimenopause news, last week I was intrigued to discover that an expert on women’s health, who’s also...

40-Something Women, The Rise of Perimenopause and Why You Should Stop Blaming Your Hormones.
Many women experiencing perimenopause and menopause today were teenagers in the 1980s. Fashion wise that was an interesting time to step...
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