I’m Tania Elfersy, educator, certified transformative coach, author of a new book on perimenopause and menopause, and co-author of an award-winning book on motherhood.
I created The Wiser Woman project to support women as they journey through midlife change. I'm passionate about raising awareness about midlife women's health and shining a light on the brilliance of our bodies. Our bodies aren't stupid, and they don't become stupid when our estrogen drops either!
I'm not afraid to challenge the menopause myths that keep us disempowered and searching outside of us for the pill/patch/cream that will supposedly make us feel like ourselves once more. These myths do not serve women's health and keep us dependent on corporate supply chains, finding the right doctor, and paying for supplements or treatments over many years.
In my work, I help women discover that in order to reach relief for perimenopause and menopause symptoms, we don't need external solutions and we don't need to tinker with our hormones! Instead, by truly understanding our bodies and looking within, we can heal our symptoms naturally and simply.
"I'm not entirely sure whether I found The Wiser Woman or it found me! Regardless, Tania's wisdom was just what I needed, just when I needed it most. At first, I was resistant to some of what she was sharing. It was not how I saw my own experience. Over time though, my understanding changed and I now see and share the truth of what she is pointing to. I am so grateful."
– Sarah, CEO
Like so many women, when I entered my 40s, I was completely unaware that most women will experience the first signs of midlife change up to a decade before menopause.
I hadn't even heard of the term "perimenopause" until I was in my mid-40s, and by that time I was already struggling with a range of symptoms, including night sweats, frequent migraines, eczema, skin outbreaks and two weeks of full-blown PMS every month. I experienced the symptoms as crazy-making and I was desperate to feel like myself again.
I was incredibly curious as to why women actually
need to be "fixed" at midlife.
I was wary of trying to "fix" my hormones with hormone replacement therapies and incredibly curious as to why women actually need to be "fixed" at midlife. I found the negative narrative surrounding perimenopause and menopause both fascinating and frustrating and spent years researching midlife women's health to discover what women weren't being told about our life-cycles. At the same time, in an attempt to feel better, I tried treatments, tinctures, herbs and creams, and while I reached a certain level of symptom relief, I never felt cured.
With time, it occurred to me that in order to find my cure, rather than trying hard to mute my symptoms, perhaps I could learn something from them. So I stopped doing and taking everything that had offered some kind of relief and waited as my symptoms returned to full-force. It was at that time, that I was drawn to find out more about the principles of innate health.
When I integrated these principles with everything I'd learned about midlife women's health, it was like a light turned on inside me. Finally, I was able to understand what creates perimenopause and menopause symptoms, and why so many women like me, were suffering.
I realized that I no longer needed to look outside to reach relief from my perimenopause symptoms, because all I needed was already within me (as it is within you and every woman).
With my new understanding, all of my perimenopause symptoms simply disappeared, almost immediately. That was back in 2015.
The difference that I felt on the physical and emotional level, was incredible. It was hard to believe that returning to good health could be so simple when my symptoms had seemed so complicated.
In the years when I was burdened by my own symptoms and noticing just how many women were burdened too, I'd promised myself that when I found a natural way to help me with my symptoms, I'd share it with the world.
It was hard to believe that the cure could be so simple when my symptoms had seemed so complicated.
The Wiser Woman project is the realization of my promise, but at first, sharing my knowledge with others was a little scary. I started suffering from the "perhaps-I-should-get-another-degree/qualification/some-letters-after-my-name-before-I-share-my-message" syndrome! It's pretty common among women! Then there were those who told me: "You can't say that! You're not a doctor!"
Today, I understand that I can probably say what I say because I'm not a doctor! For example, when was the last time your doctor told you that your body is brilliant? Just understanding that one simple fact, is the first step to understanding something quite profound about your perimenopause and menopause symptoms, but the chances are incredibly high that no doctor is ever going to tell you that your body (even while you're feeling burdened by symptoms) is brilliant.
So I could have waited until someone (not sure who) could have approved my message, but then I would have wasted so much time, and missed out on helping the women who I've already helped! Instead, I jumped in and started sharing what I'd seen and I know to be true about women's bodies and midlife change.
The understanding of The Wiser Woman that I share in my teaching is transformative.
And it can be mind-blowing and at first disorientating too, because it completely alters how we view our bodies.
We've all spent too many years under the influence of a flawed narrative of women's health. We've been told time and again that our bodies are designed to malfunction, our hormones are working against us, and the cure to our symptoms must first be developed in a lab.
But if you're ready to step away from this narrative and if you're excited to learn that the simplest and most natural way to experience relief from perimenopause and menopause symptoms already exists within you, I'd love to help you discover the secrets of midlife women's health that every woman needs to know, and I'd love to guide you on a more joyful and empowering journey through midlife change.
I 'd love to guide you on a more joyful and empowering journey through midlife change
A mother of three and married to my love
No longer surprised by the power of simple
Most alive in nature when I'm in the desert
On fire (I've been told!) when I teach about The Wiser Woman.
A London girl
A resident of the 11th arrondissement of Paris
An English teacher in Ho Chi Minh City
A corporate communications manager in technology companies.
Travelled alone through China
Taught cultural orientation in a refugee camp in Thailand
Lived, worked and partied in Jerusalem
Never run a marathon, or half a marathon or anything close – but when my kids were young, I did run to the school gate to pick them up, many times.
Long hot summers
Bright colors in unusual places
Dark chocolate daily, but not eaten with:
Goat cheese, which I love too much to shift from being a vegetarian to a vegan.
Catching sight of the northern lights
A family trip to a koala sanctuary
Understanding the theories behind time travel
Peace in our time.
Following a career in tech companies, I spent six years as a full-time, at-home mom and won no international awards for that. However, when I returned to work, I co-authored and published an inspiring gift book for new moms called:
Purple Leaves, Red Cherries: A Gift for Mothers with Short Stories, Journal & Toolkit.
The book picked up four international book awards - yay!

Also featured in:

I urge every woman in their late 30s and 40s to go and listen to Tania. What she has to say is truly ground breaking, shedding light on the rarely spoken about topic of perimenopause. Whilst many women in this age range often experience the symptoms, with the lack of knowledge and understanding in the area, they can often go for years feeling out of sorts without knowing why. At last, Tania provides an explanation of what's really going on. Clearly and eloquently presenting the history and research with passion and humour, you will be hooked from beginning to end. Importantly, Tania outlines the simple and powerful solution, drawing on her own fascinating experience of perimenopause, where she overcame all her symptoms.
A must for every woman!
- Deborah J.
I listened to Tania and a whole new world opened up. Everything she said made so much sense – why had I never heard or thought about this before? She totally changed the way I think about perimenopause.
- Anne K.
Tania, thank you for the great insights and exciting talk ... Very grateful for the knowledge!
Spread it to the world!!
I had heard of perimenopause and had some wacky things going on in my mid-40s body. What else was there to learn? LOTS. I emerged from the presentation totally inspired, informed and empowered. So grateful to Tania for
sharing her wisdom!
- Hadass T.
Tania was brilliant!!
- Stephanie F.
- Bianca S.
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