The Healing Power of Menopause Free Online Summit will be taking place from 17th – 20th October, 2024.
Kim Holmes is hosting the summit and has done an amazing job creating an exciting lineup of speakers, who will share practical knowledge and empowering tools for every stage of menopause.
All talks will be available for FREE for 48 hours.
I’m delighted that I’ll be sharing my knowledge and experience during the summit in a talk, Healing Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms Naturally.
Sign up to the summit and gain access to all the talks HERE.
During the summit you can expect:
Updates on radical changes in the workplace to unconditionally support women’s health, without feeling pressured to leave work.
Insights into how schools are being encouraged to teach reproductive health, including menopause.
An understanding of why old wounds and memories revisit us at perimenopause and gentle approaches on anxiety and loss of confidence.
Resources to enhance brain and gut health, alleviate physical discomfort, and embrace your new hormonal balance—reminding you that you are still a beautiful, powerful, and sexual being.
Guidance on optimizing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and navigating tough symptoms.
Explorations into menopause as a rite of passage and a catalyst for feminine leadership during this evolutionary time.
Fresh perspectives on why menopause can be a portal to profound healing, personal growth, and empowerment.
Teachings on healing the masculine and feminine energies within each of us, and how this can contribute to the collective healing our planet's inhabitants so urgently need.
Note the dates in your diary and register for free here: