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If you're interested in this topic and your friends are too, would you like to host a HOW MIDLIFE CHANGES YOU event in your home?


If you can gather together at least eight women (including you) I'd love to speak to your group and share my knowledge about this important and fascinating topic.



Emotional instability, insomnia, frequent migraines, night sweats and hot flashes, aches and pains, skin problems, aching breasts, vaginal dryness, weight gain…these are just some of the changes that many women experience in their 40s and 50s, during the period of up to 10 years prior to menopause (perimenopause) and beyond.


Is this the only change midlife offers us?


Why does this part of our natural life cycle create such discomfort and upheaval in so many women’s lives?  


Are women designed to malfunction in their 40s and 50s, and should we blame our hormones?


Tania Elfersy will share her knowledge about the secrets of midlife that no-one is talking about. You’ll discover how physical and emotional symptoms are not the main story of change at midlife but rather signs that your body is trying to get your attention, so that it can guide you through a very different midlife journey.




Tania is an award-winning author and publisher who has spent several years researching what causes and cures the emotional and physical symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause. Tania successfully cured her own range of symptoms, 100% naturally. Drawing on her own experience and knowledge that she has gained through her research, Tania is committed to helping women learn more about their bodies at midlife, and the simple, natural cures available to us all.


I urge every woman in their late 30s and 40s to go and listen to Tania. What she has to say is truly ground breaking, shedding light on the rarely spoken about topic of perimenopause. Whilst many women in this age range often experience the symptoms, with the lack of knowledge and understanding in the area, they can often go for years feeling out of sorts without knowing why. At last, Tania provides an explanation of what's really going on. Clearly and eloquently presenting the history and research with passion and humour, you will be hooked from beginning to end. Importantly, Tania outlines the simple and powerful solution, drawing on her own fascinating experience of perimenopause, where she overcame all her symptoms.
A must for every woman!

- Deborah J.

I listened to Tania and a whole new world opened up. Everything she said made so much sense – why had I never heard or thought about this before? She totally changed the way I think about perimenopause.

- Anne K.

I had heard of perimenopause and had some wacky things going on in my mid-40s body. What else was there to learn? LOTS. I emerged from the presentation totally inspired, informed and empowered. So grateful to Tania for
sharing her wisdom!

- Hadass T.

Tania, thank you for the great insights and exciting talk ... Very grateful for the knowledge!
Spread it to the world!! 

- Bianca S.

Good move
[to host the talk],
Tania was brilliant!! 

- Stephanie F.


To host the event, you'll ideally already be connected to a community of women who you'll feel comfortable welcoming into your home.


Together, we'll choose a convenient date and time (morning or evening) to host the event.

The price for each participant will be 50NIS ahead of time or 80NIS on the day. You, as the host, won't need to pay. 


I'll set up an event page, like this one, with the event details but I won't include your address. I can add a RESERVE YOUR SEAT button, which will allow women to buy their tickets ahead of time via PayPal. The event address can be sent to participants once they've paid.

On the day of the event, you'll need to provide a TV or large computer screen with an HDMI connection, so that I can hook up my laptop. In addition, you'll need to provide a kettle/urn, milk (for coffee) and sugar. I'll bring kosher refreshments with tea, coffee, cold drinks, disposable plates and cups. 



Please contact me with any questions you may have and to set up an event!

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
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