She's within you and she wants to be found.

Transform your experience of midlife change, naturally and simply!
The Wiser Woman Course will help you reach 100% natural perimenopause and menopause symptom relief in only three weeks.
Get instant access to course materials, group webinars and online coaching, and start your journey to a new midlife, free of crazy-making symptoms!
Hosted by Tania Elfersy​
The Wiser Woman Course is an online program for women in their late 30s, 40s or 50s
who want relief from their perimenopause and menopause symptoms, naturally and simply.

If you're suffering from perimenopause or menopause symptoms that you can't seem to cure
If you're exhausted from feeling not like yourself
If you're searching for natural relief from your emotional and/or physical symptoms with ZERO negative side-effects
If you want to feel healthier and happier within only three weeks . . .
The Wiser Woman Course is for you.
" I did The Wiser Woman course recently (and I'm not an online course sort of person usually), and it was absolutely brilliant! I finally feel as though my menopause symptoms might be going. What a gift!"
Fliss, complementary therapist, age 54
"I was surprised that I could feel a shift so quickly and I could implement what I had learned from the Tania so effortlessly. It was as if my struggles just melted away."
Emma, enterpreneur, age 43
When a woman turns 40, chances are she's not thinking about menopause. Yet her body already has a plan for THE CHANGE.
Decades of synchronized hormonal release, ovulation and menstruation don’t suddenly stop at around 51; this monumental transformation takes time!
Just as our teenage years prepare us for womanhood, perimenopause (the decade before menopause) prepares us for menopause and beyond. Our bodies are programmed to smoothly pass through this part of our life-cycle, but when something in our lives is out of balance, our bodies can start creating havoc.
Not fair? Actually it’s brilliant! But until we understand what’s going on, our 40s and 50s can turn into anything from years of frustrating discomfort, to years of disaster (aka: the midlife crisis).
The Wiser Woman Course offers 100% natural relief from perimenopause and menopause symptoms, or in other words, allows our bodies to do what they are supposed to do at midlife – move beyond our reproductive years – without us feeling that we are falling apart!
Course graduates discover that midlife is not a time when we are destined to experience the burden of crazy-making symptoms; it's actually the time when we embark on a fascinating, empowering and transformative journey, that will change us for the better!
40s & 50s?
If you’re experiencing one or more of the symptoms listed below and you’re within an approximate ten year period prior to menopause, the chances are you’re in perimenopause.
The symptoms you can experience during perimenopause include:
Changes in your periods (which normally occur in the years closer to menopause)
Increased mood swings
Night sweats and hot flashes
Increased fatigue
Fluctuations in your libido
Tender breasts
Regular migraines
Brain fog
Acne, eczema or other skin disorders
Additional symptoms that you may have suffered from during your teenage years or during pregnancy
Many women know they’re in perimenopause simply because they feel very different.
If any of the above mentioned symptoms are making you miserable.
If you’ve tried curing your symptoms with alternative and conventional methods, without much luck.
If even on your worst days when your schedule is CRAZY, the house is a mess, you’ve lost it with your kids/partner/colleagues a dozen times, and your inbox has just exploded, there’s a little voice inside you that's saying: surely it doesn’t have to be like this.
The Wiser Woman Course is here to help.
The course can help bring relief from emotional and physical symptoms naturally, quickly and permanently. That means no more running between treatments and therapies; no more relying on pills or patches that you'd rather not be consuming, no more buying potions and creams that end up half used in your bathroom cabinet or even hidden in the door of the fridge!
If you'd like midlife to become a healthy and joyous adventure;
if you’re excited by the idea that you can reach symptom relief by yourself, right away from the comfort of your own home; then YES!!

" I loved The Wiser Woman Course and it came to me at a time when I was constantly battling with myself, my life and my symptoms. The knowledge Tania imparted about how menopausal women have been seen as broken and in need of ‘fixing’ so we are more acceptable, was so inspiring! It helped clarify that my body is amazing and it is doing what it is designed to do. I was able to accept my symptoms (well more often anyway) instead of resisting them, which gave me such relief. My hot flushes are now negligible, my sleep has improved and I feel more peaceful with my life. Thank you Tania. Your course has been life changing and inspirational."
Heather, 56, wife, mother, grandmother, business manager for family farm.
Nice to meet you! I'm Tania Elfersy and I've been helping women transform their experience of midlife change via The Wiser Woman Course since 2015.
I know exactly what it feels like to be overwhelmed and frustrated by perimenopause and menopause symptoms, and I've also witnessed my own symptoms disappear, simply and naturally.
I'm an award-winning author, speaker, and transformative coach,
and I've spent years researching midlife you don't have to!
I disrupt the dominant narrative on midlife change, quite simply because it's made up and doesn't serve us!
And I'm passionate about introducing women to the innate brilliance of their bodies so that each of us can discover that even when our hormones are in flux, our magnificence never leaves us.
As I've seen in my work with the women I've helped over the years, it's when we embrace the brilliance of our bodies that reaching symptom relief becomes simpler than we could have ever imagined.

"I've been profoundly moved by Tania’s work and I’m always keen to recommend that my clients, who are journeying through perimeneopause and menopause, listen to what she shares."
Nicola Bird, Transformative Coach and founder of A Little Peace of Mind
"I'm not entirely sure whether I found The Wiser Woman or it found me! Regardless, Tania's wisdom was just what I needed, just when I needed it most. At first, I was resistant to some of what she was sharing. It was not how I saw my own experience. Over time though, my understanding changed and I now see and share the truth of what she is pointing to. I am so grateful."
Sarah, CEO

During perimenopause and menopause, our hormone levels fluctuate and many women suffer from symptoms. However, it is NOT the rise and fall of hormones that directly cause the symptoms.
Perhaps we’re used to blaming our hormones but we can’t and shouldn’t anymore!
Here are some questions that arose from my research:
Why would a change in the levels of our reproductive hormones create such a high level of discomfort in so many women, when it is, and always has been, a natural process that occurs in all women as they approach menopause?
Why would women in the West be experiencing far more discomfort during perimenopause and menopause today than during other times in history, and in other cultures?
What is the very modern experience of perimenopause and menopause telling us about our bodies and our lives?
The answers to these questions and more (provided in the course) will help you transform your 40s and 50s from something you might want to cry about right now, to something you'll finally feel inspired by.
The majority of symptoms that arise for women during perimenopause and menopause represent an outward sign of our bodies’ inner call for help and change.
Once we shift to understand this call, the majority of emotional and physical symptoms disappear.
When I understood this, my symptoms disappeared within days and stayed away! The results are quick and permanent.
The process is about tapping into your own innate wisdom to guide you. The Wiser Woman Course helps you do that.

Sorry about that!
But I hope you'll discover that the concepts discussed in the course are straightforward and easy to grasp. They also produce rapid results without you having to change your lifestyle, daily routine, or belief system.
What’s more, you won’t need to understand complex theories, learn new terms, or even research side effects because there are none when you help yourself!
You can, but then you might:
Continue suffering.
When you don't need to suffer!
Do more of the same to take the edge off your symptoms, hoping one day you'll feel better.
Why not act now and do something you haven’t tried?
Spend a lot of money and time on treatments that will fail to reach a cure.
I know, I’ve done that, too!
Or you can decide that you want to radically improve your life and join
The Wiser Woman Course, for only $129.
One hundred and twenty-nine US dollars, the price of...
A nice pair of shoes that you might wear once?
One shoe
in the pair?
You get the picture!
What does the Wiser Woman in you say?
(She’s already there, you know – trust her!)
"I just wanted to say that this course is BRILLIANT!!!
The depth and gentleness at which Tania delivers the course and the meditations, far outweigh anything I have ever seen before. If you are looking to find your wiser woman, then I highly recommend Tania and her course. She is a true gift, and it will definitely be a gift to YOU!"
Charli, life coach to women who struggle with food and alcohol issues, stemming from loss, mother of 1, age 47.
Tania has hit on an area that's not talked about or written about enough. Her Wiser Woman Course is a breath of realistic and seriously inspiring fresh air.
It's a perfect balance of informative, well researched material and practical advice. The format of the course is easy to use and its teachings slip effortlessly into your everyday life. I find myself using her techniques frequently when I feel I'm getting stressed.
The guided meditations are also superb. I'd recommend this course to any woman in her 40s.
Victoria, teacher and mother of 2, age 46.
I enjoyed every week of this course. The guided meditations and activities are particularly meaningful. I especially loved discovering that I could tap into my own innate wisdom to help me.
Now it’s clear that even as I struggle to balance my many roles – mother, wife, consultant, student, etc. – there is a beautiful, free, calm, secure person always within me.
Many thanks to Tania for putting this course together and for helping me connect with my own joyful soul.
Lisa, rabbinical student and mother of 2, age 43
Powerful content delivering results in only three weeks!
Over three weeks you'll transform your understanding of midlife and discover how to reach relief from your perimenopause and menopause symptoms, simply, naturally and from within.
The course content is online and password protected. On the day you enroll in the course you'll receive a welcome email with a link and password to access the first week's materials.
One week later and then two weeks later, you’ll receive additional emails with links and passwords to access the course materials for each week.
On the first Thursday of every month (except July)*, I'll host a live one-hour Q&A webinar at 7pm UK time, 2pm EST, for all course participants. This is a chance for you to ask questions and receive coaching, no matter where you are in the course and when you first enrolled. If you can't make a webinar live, you'll be able to send questions ahead of time, and all course participants will receive a recording of the webinar.
When you enroll in the course you'll also be invited to join the course Facebook Group, which is private. This is a space to ask questions that may arise, and connect with other course participants.
Sit back and let the course materials inspire and empower you.
You'll be able to access the course from the comfort of your own home or anywhere with internet access. The course materials include videos, audios and some fun and creative exercises. Also included are two short guided meditations – no prior experience in meditating is needed, at all!
The audios can also be downloaded and listened to while offline on any device (computer, tablet or smartphone).
Lifetime access but commit to up to 90 minutes per week, over three weeks, to change your life!
Enrolling in the course gives you lifetime access to all the materials. This allows you to work in your own time and repeat the course as often as you like.
To successfully complete the online content of the course, each week you’ll need to schedule and commit to spending up to one-and-a-half hours of undisturbed time going through the course materials – just like you'd set aside time for yoga, or acupuncture, or Pilates – totally doable!
If you want to enroll in the course but are worried about finding the time, or even if the idea of discovering what's going on inside makes you too nervous (and that's okay), then check out the one-on-one coaching options that I also offer.
NOTE: When NOT to enroll in the course
If you absolutely can’t set aside the required time over the three weeks, then please DO NOT enroll in the course. I don’t want to add “failing to complete a course that could have helped me” to your suffering. Really!
For many course participants, The Wiser Woman Course was their first online course
and they found it:
“easy to navigate and understand”
“very accessible”
“well packaged”
I trust you’ll have no trouble, too, but I'm always here to help.
Week 1: The Foundations
What is really going on in perimenopause and menopause?
Why me? Why now?
How my thoughts and your thoughts are affecting us at midlife.
Week 2: Discovery
Who is The Wiser Woman?
What is innate wisdom and why it's a game changer.
Finding your personal journey to symptom relief.
Week 3: Moving Forward
Wiser, happier, healthier.
A different life at our age and at any age.
Why it makes perfect sense that the best is yet to come.
If you're dissatisfied with the course, we offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee in accordance with our Terms of Use.

Choose the best course option for you out of the two course options below and click ENROLL.
You'll arrive at our secure checkout page where you can choose to pay with a credit card (payments securely processed by our partners SendOwl and Stripe) or PayPal.
You'll then receive a welcome email from and confirmation of your purchase from Flower Cap Press (Tania Elfersy's publishing company). In the welcome email, you'll receive all the information you need to access the course materials and, if included in your course option, book a one-on-one coaching call.
Immediate access to the course
Life-long access to all course materials
Access to monthly LIVE Q&A webinars*
Additional online support via the course Facebook group
Prices are in US dollars.
*Webinars will be held on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm UK time, except in July (when there will be no webinar). On rare occasions, webinars may be moved to another day in the month due to holidays or other engagements.
By clicking ENROLL you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Immediate access to the course
Life-long access to all course materials
Access to monthly LIVE Q&A webinars*
Additional online support via the course Facebook group
One 60 minute one-on-one video coaching call with Tania
Elfersy (value $185)
Prices are in US dollars.
*Webinars will be held on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm UK time, except in July (when there will be no webinar). On rare occasions, webinars may be moved to another day in the month due to holidays or other engagements.
By clicking ENROLL you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
We process payments securely with:

"The Wiser Woman Course is a massage for your soul: non-invasive yet powerful, it awakens the wisdom within you and leaves you stronger."
Rachel, mother of 5, aged 46
I’m in my 30s and experiencing the symptoms you mentioned above, is this course for me?
Absolutely! Most women start experiencing the onset of perimenopause in their 40s; but not all women. Some will start in their 30s. The Wiser Woman Course is for women in perimenopause, menopause and beyond, regardless of age.
I’m already in my 50s but still experiencing symptoms, is this course for me?
Yes. The symptoms that women experience in their 40s and 50s (during perimenopause and menopause) are created the same way. If you still have symptoms, your body hasn’t stopped trying to get your attention. The course will help you find out why your body is creating your symptoms and how you can reach relief from them.
I'm taking HRT / bioidentical HRT / another medication. Can the course help?
Yes. Whatever medicine you are taking or treatments you are doing is between you and your doctor or health-care provider. On this course we are learning about something very different and understanding symptoms in a different way. We are looking at transformation and reaching symptom relief from within.
Can I go back and use the course materials at any time?
Yes, you can. You have lifetime access to all the materials. Many women find it useful to return to the audios during the course and even months after they completed the course the first time.
Is it possible to witness a change in my symptoms even before the end of the three weeks?
Yes. The course is a journey and each woman will experience it differently. Some women notice a big shift after even the first week.
It all seems a bit too simple, reaching symptoms relief in three weeks from an online course, how can it be true?
Many women have a sense that other women’s problems might be curable but surely not theirs. So here’s the good news: no matter how overwhelmed we feel, no matter how complicated our lives appear to be, reaching symptoms relief is ALWAYS much simpler than we could possibly imagine, and without exception, the same simple and natural processes exist within every woman, including you.
What if I buy the course and then it’s just not a good fit for me.
No problem! We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee in accordance with our Terms of Use.
If I have an extra question for Tania, how can I contact her?
Simple. Send Tania a message here.
"I've just completed the 3 week online ‘The Wiser Woman’ course and I’m so glad that I did. I was hesitant to join at first as I was worried that Tania was completely anti the medical route for perimenopause/menopause and/or anxiety and that it would be about her way or the highway! How wrong I was! Tania is such a warm, receptive, open and lovely coach that from listening to her very first introductory video in week 1, I knew I’d made the right decision. I’ve been feeling better and I feel so much more positive continuing into perimenopause knowing that my body really is doing what it’s meant to do and I’ve got this! Thanks Tania for your amazing insights!"
Sonia, 47, a working mum with 2 children
Immediate access to the course.
Life-long access to all course materials
Access to monthly LIVE Q&A webinars*
Additional online support via the course Facebook group
Prices are in US dollars.
*Webinars will be held on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm UK time, except in July (when there will be no webinar). On rare occasions, webinars may be moved to another day in the month due to holidays or other engagements.
By clicking ENROLL you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Immediate access to the course
Life-long access to all course materials
Access to monthly LIVE Q&A webinars*
Additional online support via the course Facebook group
One 60 minute one-on-one video coaching call with Tania
Prices are in US dollars.
*Webinars will be held on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm UK time, except in July (when there will be no webinar). On rare occasions, webinars may be moved to another day in the month due to holidays or other engagements.
By clicking ENROLL you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
We process payments securely with:

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.By using any part of this website, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
© 2020 Tania Elfersy from Flower Cap Press. All rights reserved.